Friday, 23 October 2015

Party time!

Today we had our Halloween party AND our compliment bug party since our class received 10 bugs for great behaviour and work! 

We all dressed up in our Halloween costumes, leaving teacher feeling a little scared today....

Check out our spooktacular costumes! 

We designed Halloween masks as well today, can you guess who's who? 

This morning we also had a Cheerios Childline breakfast which the kids really enjoyed. Thanks to parents for their donations to Childline, it's a fantastic cause! 

Enjoy the mid-term break! 

Monday, 19 October 2015


Today we continued our Relaxation programme. It's a great way to start our week, by relaxing and focusing on ourselves and our own spaces. 

Here we are pretending to be turtles in our shells, a safe relaxing space! 

Friday, 16 October 2015


In our class we operate a Mini Economy. 

Every child has a job to do for example teacher's assistants, lunch box carriers, messengers, librarians etc. If the job is done well, we get paid a fair wage in Fitzees (our class currency).

Here's an example of some of the jobs we carry out in our classroom.

We can save our Fitzees in the Fitzee bank or spend them in the Fitzee shop, which is full of all kinds of special things (shhh...Minecraft toys have just come into stock!!) 

The very famous Fitzee shop

Our bankers looking fresh before their 9-5!

The Fitzee bank is open! 

Hmmm...what to buy....

We also need to use our Fitzees to pay for rent and bills (using tables, chairs, electricity etc). 
General good behaviour and extra effort put into class work and homework can also earn extra Fitzees.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Last week for art, we created fireworks by blowing out blobs of paint using straws. We finished this off with a silhouette of a town scene. See how well they turned out below! 

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Easter Rising 1916 Centenary Programme

As part of the Easter Rising centenary programme for 2016, we were lucky to be visited by members of the Irish Defence force today. They presented us with a new tricolour flag and also a copy of the 1916 Proclamation of the Republic. To prepare for this visit we learned and sang Amhran na bhFiann, which Room 22 sang beautifully today! Check out the pictures below of the Irish Defence force talking to the whole school! 

Monday, 5 October 2015

It's starting to feel a bit spooky around Room 22...

We created our spooky owls in trees using white and black paint and pastels. Watch out for some more scary art in the next few weeks...

Friday, 2 October 2015

Reading Eggs

Every Thursday morning at computer time, we have the opportunity to work on Reading Eggs. Reading Eggs is an online program which  makes learning to read fun through games, songs and earning golden eggs.

The children all have their login details at the back of their homework notebooks so please encourage your child to continue with Reading Eggs at home!

Here are some pictures of how engaged the children are with the program!