Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Sleeper Creeper

Today we were lucky enough to attend a musical wonderland through the play 'Sleeper Creeper' in the Townhall. It was a story of excitement, imagination and friendship told through the inovative use of music and mime.
We throughly enjoyed 'Sleeper Creeper' and have been inspired to create music and drama from the unlikeliest of places.
It was thumbs up from 2nd class 🖒🖒👏👏

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Library visit

Today after little break we all walked to the County Library. Teacher had given us a book scavenger hunt to complete during our visit. She also reminded us that we needed to use very quiet voices once inside the library as there would be other people there studying or reading books.
The scavenger hunt was quite tough but lots of fun. We were working so hard that teacher forgot to take our photo!! 😃😃
As today is the 1st of December teacher read us a book about Santa and the Elves. We really enjoyed our visit to the library.

Monday, 28 November 2016

Websites to checkout €€ ⏰⏰

If your looking for some extra time on you tablet or computer that mam and dad will approve of, just checkout these educational websites

www.teachingmoney.co.uk - don't forget to switch to Euro 💱 €€

www.teachingtime.co.uk - time to practice that tricky quarter to ⏰⏰🤔🤔

Pinch Pots

Over the last fews weeks we have formed, painted and sealed our pinch Pots. They will be ready just in time for us to give as that extra special Christmas gift created with love 💞🎄🎁

Friday, 28 October 2016

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Story Nana

Every Friday we have been lucky enough to have a visit from Story Nana. We love hearing all about pirates, Princes and dragons.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Back to school

Overheard outside room 22 this afternoon.

Parent: What did you learn today?
Child: Apparently not enough. We have to go back tomorrow. 😊😊

Looking forward to a year full of play, learning and growing together.
Mrs Clarke

Thursday, 23 June 2016


Congratulations to these 4 girls from room 22 who haven't missed a day at school since Easter. We may not have won the bike....but there's always next year👍

Attendance awards

Well done to Sara who hasn't missed a day of school all year.

Saturday, 30 April 2016


We had a fantastic day at the Sportathon on Friday, and got to experience circuit activities, yoga, skipping, athletics, Irish dancing, gymnastics, cooperative games, orienteering and ball handling skills! All in one day! Phew! We really deserved our free ice cream at the end of the day! 

Thanks to all parents for your help with the sponsorship cards, it is really appreciated! 

Here are some photos of the stations we took part in on Friday. 

Mrs. Reilly explaining the orienteering to the girls! 

Our active school is number one so keep it up and join the fun! Well done girls! 

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Practise, practise, practise!

We've been having a very busy week this week! On Wednesday we continued our ukulele lessons and learned a new chord - G. 

We've also been preparing for our First Holy Communion mass on Saturday, going over our prayers, songs, seating arrangements etc. Here's a picture of us mid-practise! 

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Aine Cahill visit

Today we had a surprise visit from an up and coming singer from Cavan - Aine Cahill! Her pianist, Louise, is a past pupil of our very own school and they both have appeared on radio stations like Today FM and television programmes like The Late Late Show! We were treated to a few of her songs and were all stunned by her beautiful voice. Thanks for visiting Aine and Louise! 

Saturday, 19 March 2016

Easter Art

We created loads of Easter art over the past few weeks - Pom Pom chicks, Easter baskets and Easter eggs! Have a look below! 

Thursday, 17 March 2016

100% Attendance and winners

Yesterday we had our attendance assembly and we had 4 girls who had 100% attendance since January - Sara, Chloe, Valerija and Lin Ruo! Congratulations girls! See if you can spy them in the pictures below! 

We also had winners in the attendance assembly - Sara and Tina's names were pulled out of the box! Check out the prizes they chose! And keep up the great attendance!

Monday, 14 March 2016

World Book Day

Today we got the chance to go to the bookshop and get our free books using the world book day tokens! Here's a few happy faces after our trip! 

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Highest Attendance in St. Clares!!

Our attendance this month has been superb, and as a result we have set a new record with the highest attendance rate in the WHOLE SCHOOL - 99.3%!! Our names have been added into the attendance draw box which means we have a higher chance of winning amazing prizes at the Easter draw! Well done to everyone and keep the great attendance up! 

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Compliment Bug Party!

We had a great day celebrating ten compliment bugs! First we had a very chilly walk to the swimming pool (brrr)

The girls have also been working really hard the past few weeks so we got to go to the staff room and make "pancakes"! We used wraps and melted some chocolate. The girls got to choose their toppings of chocolate, banana and/or blueberry! 

Some of loved the chocolate a little too much!! 

Finally we concluded our party with the movie "Minions". We had a great day and enjoy the mid term break!

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Mini Beasts

Last week we took advantage of a sunny afternoon and went on a hunt for mini beasts! After an extensive search we found a woodlouse, two slugs and a worm! We also found a spider, but it wasn't a fan of our box!! 

We examined each mini beast and talked about how it moves, their physical features etc. Have a look at our little beasties below! 

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

St. Brigid's Day

Yesterday for St. Brigid's Day, we made crosses with a twist! Instead of using reeds, we made our crosses using different coloured pipe cleaners! Here is how we began our crosses and see below for how they turned out!

Wednesday, 27 January 2016


So we're halfway through our swimming lessons this year and the girls are improving very quickly and loving every minute! Here's a picture of us post-swimming, ready for a lovely sunny walk back to school! Wonder could we win a prize for "Most Squints in a Picture"? 

Saturday, 23 January 2016

Our collaborative class dragon!

This week we began to prepare (ferociously) for celebrating Chinese New Year on February 8th! 

Together we created our own class dragon!! 

Each child painted a paper plate in the colours of the rainbow. Next they wrote their name in Chinese on another paper plate, cut it out and stuck it onto the painted plate. Following that they added semi circles around their plate to act as the dragon's scales.

Lastly, it was my turn to work and put it all together! Check out the pictures below!