Thursday, 25 February 2016

Highest Attendance in St. Clares!!

Our attendance this month has been superb, and as a result we have set a new record with the highest attendance rate in the WHOLE SCHOOL - 99.3%!! Our names have been added into the attendance draw box which means we have a higher chance of winning amazing prizes at the Easter draw! Well done to everyone and keep the great attendance up! 

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Compliment Bug Party!

We had a great day celebrating ten compliment bugs! First we had a very chilly walk to the swimming pool (brrr)

The girls have also been working really hard the past few weeks so we got to go to the staff room and make "pancakes"! We used wraps and melted some chocolate. The girls got to choose their toppings of chocolate, banana and/or blueberry! 

Some of loved the chocolate a little too much!! 

Finally we concluded our party with the movie "Minions". We had a great day and enjoy the mid term break!

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Mini Beasts

Last week we took advantage of a sunny afternoon and went on a hunt for mini beasts! After an extensive search we found a woodlouse, two slugs and a worm! We also found a spider, but it wasn't a fan of our box!! 

We examined each mini beast and talked about how it moves, their physical features etc. Have a look at our little beasties below! 

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

St. Brigid's Day

Yesterday for St. Brigid's Day, we made crosses with a twist! Instead of using reeds, we made our crosses using different coloured pipe cleaners! Here is how we began our crosses and see below for how they turned out!