Saturday, 19 March 2016

Easter Art

We created loads of Easter art over the past few weeks - Pom Pom chicks, Easter baskets and Easter eggs! Have a look below! 

Thursday, 17 March 2016

100% Attendance and winners

Yesterday we had our attendance assembly and we had 4 girls who had 100% attendance since January - Sara, Chloe, Valerija and Lin Ruo! Congratulations girls! See if you can spy them in the pictures below! 

We also had winners in the attendance assembly - Sara and Tina's names were pulled out of the box! Check out the prizes they chose! And keep up the great attendance!

Monday, 14 March 2016

World Book Day

Today we got the chance to go to the bookshop and get our free books using the world book day tokens! Here's a few happy faces after our trip!