Thursday, 11 April 2019

Easter Chicks

These Easter pom pom chicks are perfectly cute, 
totally festive and wonderfully easy.
Happy Easter everyone!

Friday, 5 April 2019

How can we keep teacher's tea hot?

Mrs Clarke came to us with a problem. Her tea was always cold! So we devised an experiment to find out which material best insulates her mug. Most of us thought that cotton wool would work the best but we were surprised to find that putting a lid on the mug was actually the best insulator! 
Now Mrs Clarke can enjoy a nice hot mug of tea after yard duty.

Thursday, 4 April 2019

As part of our history curriculum we went on a 
walking history tour of Cavan. 
We Identified key landmarks and features in our town 
and compared how they look now with how they looked in the past.
We examined the wonderful photo exhibition at the post office 
which clearly shows the continuity and change of our street scenes 
now and then. 
The old St Clare's school building

We thoroughly enjoyed this excursion and feel more part of our community now.

Seó Faisin

Bhí Seachtain na Gaeilge ar siúl agus bhí Seó Faisin againn i rang a dó. Bhíomar ag foghlaim faoi Éadaí agus rinneamar Seó Faisin. Bhíomar sa halla agus thainig rang a dó, a trí agus a ceathair go dtí an seó. Bhi an spraoí againn!